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Nice to Meet 'Ya!

My name is Jacqueline, and I'm from sunny Miami, FL. 

I'm a creative specialist with experience in multiple fields, from graphic design to motion graphics and marketing, live events, and my current adventure of working in higher education. I am an ambitious, creative looking for challenges and always eager to learn new skills and work with others to build a more robust repertoire in everything I do. 

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I have always been creative since I was young. My dad inspired me a lot as a child as he taught me music and art, and I continued to pursue them through elementary school (for example, I was in the advanced recorder and bell ensemble, not many say that). However, things changed in high school, where I became obsessed with engineering and was fascinated by 3D design when I built 3D models for reverse engineering. When I decided to pursue game design and development, I realized I liked this more and was awful at math.

In college, I took the foundation art classes where a professor liked none of my work and told me to change careers because I’d never make it in art school or the world and added ‘“3D and computer graphics will never be big in this lifetime”. (lol) 

I kept going and transferred to Florida State University and ventured on my own for the first time. I met friends and professors who encouraged me to continue the art and plunge into the art world heavily for the next two years. I graduated from FSU in 2017 with my Bachelor's in Time-Based Media and printmaking with a minor in art history. 

I moved back home and soon got my first big girl job and became a video production manager for Florida Supercon (A comic-con company owned by Reed Pop, the same folks that do New York Comic Con and others). After my time there, I ventured into a new unknown territory of working for the local news covering Miami shenanigans for two years. Today, I work as a motion graphic designer for Florida International University. I help instructional designers create content for courses and explore innovative ways to help students with course retention with thoughtfully planned and designed art. In addition, I received my Masters's in Marketing from the same institution and am looking forward to taking my creative and new marketing skills to test. 

Where will I go next? Only time will tell.

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