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  • Writer's pictureJacqueline Sardinas

How Do You Video? – Basics That Will Help You Take The Lead In Your Marketing

In marketing, we have explored that you can express and sell your product in any way possible. It could be static text, images, or even voice. Unfortunately, most people forget videos because they don’t know how to execute them or are starting or creating one. It’s not an easy task, to begin with. If you have opened a video editing program, your eyes have probably glazed over all of the different buttons and options you have that just results in you losing everything looking at all of your options. 

Although that is a very relatable feeling, and I have been there before, there is a solution to getting started and creating a video with a few simple steps. Your process could be fast or slow; it won’t matter because as long as you get the basics, everything else will fall into place naturally. So today, consider yourself the student, and this is the crash course of putting all of your elements together before editing to make your editing journey a smooth ride.

Basics To Pro

Creating a video may seem intense, but with a few things to check off when creating your video for your ads, you will be on your own in no time. First things first are planning your video. What do you want to make? If you create something relatable to your ads and want to be posted online, focus on your call to action. What exactly are you promoting about your brand?


To make this process easier, storyboard your process. Write some notes on a piece of paper or your phone. I like to use my iPad or drawing tablet to draw quick sketches. If you have the lightbulb go off in your head, quickly jot the idea down before it goes away forever. 

Tip: It doesn’t matter if your notes look messy, as long as you can write down your ideas and give yourself a visual for later to keep yourself on track with what you want to do with your video.

Gathering Your Elements

Once you have brainstormed your ideas, it’s time to get together to place your thoughts as actual videos. How will you shoot your clips? Nowadays, it is straightforward to quickly put things together using your phone, thanks to the high-tech cameras. With this powerful weapon in your hands, recording is direct and accessible.

Here, you can go ahead and record and use your storyboards to make sure you have the correct shots needed for your video!   

Picking Your Editing Program

Once you have gotten all of your elements together, it’s now time to put together where you would move forward in executing your work of art to share with the world. Here are a few programs you can use when placing your video together! 


  1. iMovie – Available on all Apple products (Ipad, Mac, and iPhone)

  2. OpenShot Video – Available on Mac and PC

  3. Shotcut – Available on PC

  4. Kdenlive – Available on PC


  1. FinalCut Pro – Available for free for 90 days on Mac

  2. Adobe Premiere Pro – Available free for seven days with Creative Cloud for MAC os, Windows

  3. Adobe Premiere Pro Rush – Available free for seven days on iPhone and Android  with Creative Cloud 

Regardless of whatever option you choose to move forward with editing, there are many options to choose from, both free and paid subscriptions. This is just a reminder that it is not about what type of program you use but how you use it! 

Video Editing PROcess

With this information, you can kick off your multi-million dollar idea for your ads. It’s okay not to know where to begin. The hardest part of making a video is executing what you want to do or make. Following these few steps will help you follow through with your plans. 

Remember to keep it fun and explore all of the creative ideas that come to you. Putting your ideas together can create the next big ad to make your brand be recognized and known!

1 Comment

Feb 27, 2023

Hi, you should add to your blog that Imovie can be used not only on mac but also on windows. Here you can learn more about it and even download Imovie on windows for free.

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