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  • Writer's pictureJacqueline Sardinas

Marketing 101’s: Market Research and Its Impact In Marketing

Everything around you involves marketing, and without it, you wouldn’t have all of the nifty gadgets you have right there in your pocket. With the future moving fast and the power of social media, marketers in the field are aware of what’s new and trendy. Fortunately, they can know what’s currently trending thanks to market research. Although for the average joe, what is marketing research, and why is it so important for others to understand? 

Without a marketing team, there are no products. So, just like an orchestra needs a conductor, there’s a need for a marketing leader in the workplace to learn what’s new, what’s trendy, and what will get the people to be part of the community. 

A market team is heavily based on the research conducted in the field to decide how a product or brand can move forward. But, as mentioned before, the world moves fast, and so does the internet. Every day new memes, products, or viral videos spread like wildfire on social media, and what is not famous before is taken off the shelves the next day. So how do marketers even catch up?

What Makes A Good Marketing Leader?

Companies and brands can suffer a loss without having someone always on the lookout for trending online. Consumers want to see how their favorite people react to viral TikTok or online challenges. Sure, but what does that have to do with becoming a marketing leader? It’s easy!

A market leader is the one that points out what to research and learn more to relate to their consumers. If there is no resonance with your customers, you have already lost any type of engagement. Here are a few more specs on what makes market research become a good leader

  1. Handles funding: Pinpoint what the costs are in your research. What are we going to spend on ads? How much to spend on a marketing campaign?

  2. Boosts Team Morale: Confidence is essential when executing a pitch. Designing with the end in mind to make sure everything is ready for clients. Leading a team to find the information and praising them for new research will lead to new insights for a company/brand. 

  3. Finding Bottlenecks: When a team is busy working away to put a pitch together, they can forget to worry about some genuinely overseen topics. A good leader can pinpoint weaknesses and hash them out quickly. Here, a leader can also solidify a plan and organize the steps that need to be taken to have a successful marketing campaign or pitch and lead their team in the right direction.


Whether it’s small mistakes or getting lost along the way, market research makes a good leader because, without it, you can’t function as a brand to move forward with what’s trending. People like to be seen and resonate with their interactions, especially if it is their favorite brand. Market research lets a company share its image and story and create a priority community for any consumer. 

What type of techniques are you creating with your marketing team to be successful? Do you feel you can do more to be your team’s next leader on the net project? What other insightful tips can you offer to add to what makes a good marketing leader? 

Start the discussion on my website to learn more Marketing tips and tricks and collaborate with others! 


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