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  • Writer's pictureJacqueline Sardinas

Presentation Is Key: Tips To A Better Visual Presentation

We have all been there. Sitting in front of what is supposed to be an introductory presentation and within the first five minutes, you slowly start closing your eyes OR just nodding in agreement and have all the information go in from one ear to the other. This can happen to anyone and, of course, can happen to you. So how can you send information but make it stand out for it to be memorable? 

Let’s deep dive into how to make a splash at your next big meeting.

Contrast & Text 

A common and elementary mistake is contrast. Contrast is defined as when “opposite elements are arranged together.” You can compare this to yellow text on white backgrounds or maybe a fluorescent background with un-legible text that makes the screen jarring to see. It is essential to focus on this not only because you want your viewer to understand everything easily but also to have your presentation be aesthetically pleasing to show to a room full of people.

This also applies to the text you can use for your presentations. Consider using legible fonts that can be read in all directions and understood by anyone in the room. It is essential because nothing is worse than seeing unappealing text in a bright color. This also prevents someone from reading your presentation and letting valuable information be wasted.  Simplification Is Key Creating a marketing pitch is already tricky when presenting to people who don’t understand marketing jargon. A good tip is to develop simplified information with visuals to avoid glazed eyes in a room and want them to understand you. Visual data and stats are essential in marketing and help viewers to understand represented data much more quickly and efficiently. This can also help if you itch to business owners to make a faster decision to move forward for pitch decks or recommendations for future strategies. 


Looking into the design and using their elements to improve presentations can help you move forward with your following productions. For example, avoiding bad fonts, non-contrast backgrounds, and separating information on slides to make them not too convoluted on one drop or page helps not overwhelm the viewer or a room with knowledge and makes it easier to understand. 

How are you using design in your presentation? Do you feel like you need to know more about design to create unique presentations? How can you improve the presentations you have already made? 

Start the conversation on this post! Also, check out my other posts on other design techniques that you to can add to your marketing toolbox by checking out my website:


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